Thursday 6th April for One Day Only!

Following the success of our Pre Black-Friday sale last year, we’re holding our first Boxed-Up Bonanza of 2017!

For 24 hours only, we’re slashing our prices back to the rates we were charging a decade ago.

To kick start the new tax year, on Thursday 6th April, we’re giving you the chance to grab our high quality boxes at reduced prices across our website. We’ll be moving our prices back to 2007 – the same year the first iPhones were flying off the shelves, Manchester United secured their 9th Premier League title and we battled through nationwide flooding, storms and the wettest Summer on record.  Feeling nostalgic yet?

Why are we doing a Boxed-Up Bonanza?

With Easter just around the corner, you might be getting ready for the inevitable seasonal sales. Here at Boxed-Up, we wanted to offer you some great discounts ahead of the rush – we know every little helps when you’re squeezing your margins for a sale!
That’s why we’re offering discounts on sturdy, great quality boxes suitable for packing, posting and storage,  so whatever you’re gearing up for, you can assure you won’t be breaking the bank. Discounts apply to all boxes – so get ready to stock up!

We’ll be sending out further information – as well as exclusive discount codes – so sign up to our emails and check out our FacebookTwitter or Linkedin for more info.

Remember that newsletter subscribers will be the first to get the full details of our special Boxed Up Bonanza event on the 6th April.