International Women’s Day is an event that is celebrated throughout the world to commemorate women’s achievements and the struggle for women’s rights.

We believe that the first celebrated IWD was in the 1900’s when 15,000 people marched throughout New York in an attempt to demand social and political rights such as equal pay and better working hours.

Women were originally allowed to march on Sundays, so not to disrupt their home and working lives and was originally called ‘Working Women’s Day’

The day was recognised by the United Nations in 1975 and is celebrated worldwide on the 8th March every year. Some countries celebrate the day by giving the women in their lives flowers and gifts, whilst the day is considered a bank holiday in other countries.

Today the IWD brings together women’s organisations, charities and the government to look into issues of women’s equality and is marked with rallies and marches, talks and artistic performances.

We still celebrate International Women’s Day today to strive for full gender equality for all women throughout the world including the gender pay gap that is currently hot on the topic between men and women who work in the same job position.

As a forward thinking manufacturers based in Wigan, the ladies from Belmont and Boxed-Up have joined together for a quick picture to support the IWD and the #BeBoldForChange campaign to help inspire other women.

As a woman, gender should never hold you back from doing something that you are passionate about and the is4profit website recently blogged an article regarding these issues. Read the full article here and be inspired by the ‘words of wisdom’ from the UK’s most inspiring female business owners and how their experience with gender equality hasn’t held them back!

For more information on this cause, please visit and support the IWD here