Boxed Up present three reasons why using the right-sized boxes will benefit your business …and the planet

If you want to ensure your business remains competitive in its marketplace, it’s important to stay well ahead of the curve when it comes to adopting best practices and installing the latest technologies.

In addition to this, continuously improving standard operating practices always provides a great return on investment, as it gives business owners the peace of mind that every facet of their operation is working like clockwork, and in the most efficient way possible.

However, one aspect that often gets overlooked is the way businesses go about packaging and shipping their products, with many companies wasting valuable time and money using the wrong types of products – and risking their reputation with environmentally-conscious customers along the way.

Last December, there was a very public furore across social media, as Amazon came in for heavy criticism for the excessive amount of packaging being used to ship some of its smaller items.

According to recent research, the UK produces more than 31 million tonnes of waste each year, and when you consider each tonne of compacted rubbish is equivalent to the size of a small car, it certainly makes you wonder how much of this is unnecessary.

At the start of its journey, stats reveal that at least 12.5 million tonnes of paper and cardboard are produced in the UK every year – averaging out at around 200 kg for every person. So as a means of doing our little bit to protect the planet, we wanted to look at three key benefits of reviewing the way your business uses its cardboard boxes…

Significantly reduce your component costs

If you’re using packages that are too large for the products you’re shipping, you’re also using more filler material, whether that’s bubble wrap, packaging peanuts, or any of the other expensive sundries that take up valuable warehouse space, and affect your bottom line.

Whilst it’s vitally important that packages arrive with your customers safe and secure – less space ALSO means less chance of in-transit movement …with lower volumes of filler material required for protection.

The conservation of the planet …and your good reputation

Many of your customers care about the environment and will expect your business to express the same values.

Sending a package that’s too large for the product and filled with void material might give your customer the impression you’re not committed to environmental protection and sustainability, and whilst they’ll no doubt be delighted to have got their parcel on time – it might not stop them posting a negative online review.

On a purely practical side, appropriate-sized boxes also eliminate the annoyance of having to dispose of any excessive packaging – which can often fill up dustbins in an instant, or require an inconvenient trip to the local household waste centre.

A better way to budget …and a more realistic pricing policy

When you use the right-sized packaging for your product, it also allows you to project your shipping budgets and expenditure more accurately.

Being able to provide your courier with accurate dimensions and weights for your packages, means you can keep your costs in check, and avoid any nasty surprises when the monthly invoice drops through your door.

This also helps your business when it comes to pricing its products, as the shipping rate you quote (or ingest as part of your retail price) is much more likely reflect the actual price you pay for the boxes, packaging sundries and shipping that come with them.

Remember, our ever-expanding range means there’s almost always a box for every customer, and every eventuality – so if you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for using our handy box finder, why not drop us a note, or give us a call on 01942 524 256, and we’ll see what we can do.